
replica rolex watches Virgo Horoscope For February 2011_5314

Since January, you've been busily coping with the practical/physical demands of life and tackling the devil in the detail, so there's likely to be some dealings with those helping you or providing a service, or who you are giving assistance to.

You may be trying to get mechanical things running smoothly, also getting straight with repairs, maintenance etc. or paying more attention to health and diet as, in the first 3 weeks, organizing all that basic stuff helps you pave the way for better conditions in the future.
Until the 4th you may be thinking creatively about your options and there could be more contact with young people. From then your mental attention will be on the practical aspects of daily life and the to do list.

Until the 4th the home base, family or extended family will continue to be a supportive or attractive influence. From the 4th you get more chance to party or at least have access to a more entertaining environment where you can let rip in a creative spontaneous manner. Also this can translate as you promoting something or presenting yourself or something else in a way which is attractive or entertaining. For some this will be a more romantic time or when you feel at the centre of someone else's admiring attention.

The Solar eclipse in January opens the way for you to change things for the better through these areas and can help your personality shine over the months to come.
Mars is keeping your nose to the grindstone whenever it can, but chances are you will enjoy being creative and innovative in whatever process you are in. Or it may translate as you grabbing opportunities for some down time in good company or occupied at something personally fulfilling or which is not stressful. However you may have more energy for chores or related to the employment market. There may be a colleague creating conflict or co-workers are more demanding. It may also be that health - yours or someone else's is an issue. You should look after yourself better during this phase.

Saturn, in your area of material security until 2012 already has you looking to the future, planning ahead, taking stock of finances, possessions, physical space, comfort zone, or health. You'll understand better that you have to work steadily and consistently to bring about an improved situation on these basic, physical levels. Take the long view and feather your nest in advance as far as you can. Another aspect of this long transit is that you steadily develop your inborn assets, your gifts and talents which can become lucrative and generate more income.

Saturn works best if you are persevering and patient about making improvements on these materialistic levels of your life.

Jupiter will encourage an influence which is beneficial and serves to help you out materially and emotionally until mid-year. Some influence is there to give you a financial boost, or you benefit through their resources. It could translate as property, funding or equipment which is acquired, lent, or leased or it could be moral support and a feeling of more security within. This position of Jupiter will help you feel cared for and emotionally stable over these months. It also could mean a stronger awareness of deeper feelings or a developing interest in the occult side of life. So if you are looking to improve things in the area of finances property etc, this would be a good time to do so.

Avoid being compulsive about a relationship or some material resource, from the 21st.
When Mars moves on the 23rd you'll be into a 6 week period of co-operating with others. This will be a time when the contribution of those you liase with will be lively and energetic. There may be some moments of tension or an occasional difference of opinion but overall collaborations and partnerships should be productive and interesting.


